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Reunions are a great way to rekindle relationships, refresh memories and celebrate Wake Forest with those who truly understand what it means to be a Demon Deacon. They are a perfect opportunity to honor your connection to your class and to Wake Forest with a gift to any area of The Wake Forest Fund. Whether through an annual gift or multi-year commitment, the reunion campaign is about sending the ladder back down. Those who have enjoyed the privilege of experiencing something as great as a Wake Forest education should do all you can to help others climb that ladder. There’s nothing you can do that’s any more important, that has a broader impact on people’s lives, and ultimately improving society, than giving talented and committed young people the opportunity to achieve and serve.

For questions regarding your class gift please contact Emily Smith Cockerham (’90, P’24, ’25), Vada Lou Meadows (’85, P’13, P’16), or Anna Hogewood Cole (’21) at or by calling 800.752.8568. For information on individual class campaign goals please visit your class website.

The Wake Forest Fund at work.

How do I make my gift?

There are many different ways to make your reunion gift, from checks, credit card, appreciate securities, etc. For all the details for each option, please visit Ways To Give.

How do I make a multi-year pledge?

Contact Emily Cockerham (’90, P’24, ’25) at, Vada Lou Meadows (’85, P’13,’16) at,, Anna Hogewood Cole (’21) at or complete the online form to make a multi-year pledge. Ask about setting up recurring monthly gifts.

What gifts count toward my reunion campaign?

All gifts to The Wake Forest Fund will count toward the campaign, with the highest priority on unrestricted undergraduate support. Gifts made between July 1, 2024 and Homecoming 2025 will be included in your class gift totals, which means you have the opportunity for gifts from two fiscal years to count in your class campaign. All gifts to Wake Forest are greatly appreciated but during a reunion year your class is focusing attention on unrestricted annual giving that support the vital areas of academics, faculty excellence and the student experience. Gifts to restricted or endowed funds are very much appreciated but are not included as part of the class gift.

How much should I give?

Giving is a personal decision. If you are able, please consider a reunion gift at the leadership level which will qualify you for membership in The Wake Forest Fund Giving Societies.  Consider making a multi-year commitment at a Giving Society level. Five-year pledges offer steady support for the University and the entire pledge amount counts towards your class goals.

More importantly, it is your participation in the reunion campaign that indicates the impact Wake Forest has had on your life, whether it was financial aid that allowed you to attend, professors who challenged you intellectually, alumni networks that provided career and community opportunities, or the enduring life-long friendships that you treasure. Every class has a participation goal, and no one can make your gift for you. Remember, if both you and your spouse are in a reunion class, your one gift will count for two! The perfect gift is the one that you make.

Will I be recognized for making a reunion gift?

All gifts received between July 1 and April 30 will be recognized in the May Honor Roll of Donors and then after the conclusion of the reunion campaign Homecoming and Reunion Weekend a Final Honor Roll will be mailed recognizing everyone who gave to the class campaign.

What does the reunion campaign support?

Annual giving is one of the University’s top fund-raising priorities and plays a critical role in enhancing the quality of education at Wake Forest. The Wake Forest Fund is an unrestricted fund that supports the University’s most immediate initiatives, allowing Wake Forest to act quickly to seize opportunities through the year.

What will your Wake Forest legacy be?

One of the many privileges of a Wake Forest Education is that it never has to end. Alumni who have reached their 50th reunion have the option of giving to the reunion campaign through an outright cash gift that will meet the University’s current needs or through a planned gift that will grow over time.

How do matching gifts work?

If you work for a matching gift company, you may be able to double or even triple the value of your gift. Forms are available through your company’s human resources department. Please check with your employer regarding when matching gift requests are processed as some companies match upon receipt while other only match once a year. Matching gifts need to be received by Homecoming of your reunion year in order to count in the campaign total.